Merch For A Tech Event

As the finalist and a winner of 2023 Bristol ACCU Conference’s 2023 Design Competition, my design had made its way onto the official merch of this annual C++ tech conference.

Given the “pre-order” nature of the merch, there was many a lamentation about there not being quite enough of those around for those willing to buy them on the spot.

A snippet of praise and acknowledgement of the artwork from ACCU 2023’s “A Generic Talk About Go

Anatomy Of The Design


Ruby — Another one of the programming languages

Python — One of the programming languages, popular at the conference

“East Const vs West Const“
Apparently, a hilarious joke amongst the discerning tech populace

The “Go” Goffer, making a quick getaway with a “Ruby” from “Python”, swiftly circumventing “C++” on its way:

All being widely known & used programming languages

A not-so-discreet signature and gentle nudge towards one’s social media

A “nod” to this being the 26th ACCU Tech Conference

An honourable mention of C++, which accounts for at least a quarter of ACCU’s title.


Concept & Idea

The most important idea behind the design — from the point of its inception, was to create an eye-catching, bold, a tad tongue-in-cheek design that would capture the overall feeling of the conference and its community while being relevant and on-point.

The stylistic choice was then made in favour of a vibrant anime art style, reminiscent of a manga magazine cover as a way of celebrating ACCU’s “geeky” tech community, whilst (hopefully) bringing much joy to the wearers and onlookers in the moment and for years to come.

Behind the seams: Unveiling the creative process for designing the official ACCU conference t-shirt.

CVU Magazine, Vol. 35, May 2023, pp. 4-5.

Visualising Paul Floyd’s “Drawing a Line Under Aligned Memory” article. Overload Magazine, April 2023, pg 6.



As a bonus, here are 2 of the ACCU 2024’s 5-minute-long Lightning Talk videos that I may or may not have contributed to and/or inspired ;)


This may be the less tech-y talk of the two, so even if you don’t consider yourself to be a prominent figure in the vast multi-lingual world of programming, you can still enjoy this humorous dive into another (arguably, more human) language.


This Lightning talk is riddled with a bit more programming humour, however is still very much worth a watch (in my very biased and not-so-humble opinion), especially if you are interested in topics around neurodivergence.